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New Pilot: Join us

New Pilot: Join us

The Health Collective is finally open for Membership (pilot programme!)

We've been working on a few new offerings for and from The Health Collective and we'd like to involve more of you! Yes you! If you've been reading, watching, listening you know some of what the HC gets up to. 

We've taken some of your feedback and suggestions over the years including on how to share more detailed and tailored content and services. We're also consolidating and streamlining some of our offerings – from talks with experts, to workshops and webinars, listening & talking circles to book reviews, events listings, 'best of' collections, and a more regular monthly / quarterly newsletter with the latest highlights and insights you don't want to miss. Early birds will get the best merch of course! 

Image by The Health Collective

You can use this QR code or look at a quarterly subscription (pilot) first. Email team@healthcollective[dot]in with your queries.